About Arlene

I wasn’t always interested in the world of the spirit; my mediumship journey unfolded naturally. When I was twenty-one, my beloved brother Kelly died suddenly in a tragic accident. Kelly was kind, witty, and supportive, always willing to share his wisdom or lend a helping hand. Kelly was my champion and my guardian—a bright light in my world. He always made me laugh. My day-to-day life had always been about having adventures, getting married, spending time with family, and working hard. But after Kelly passed, my life started to unravel. I didn’t believe in life after death back then. In my mind, Kelly had been taken from our lives, he was gone forever, and that was that. I was lost without him.
Many years after Kelly passed, I travelled a lot for work and pleasure, and one day, while waiting for a flight from Edmonton, Alberta to Hay River, NWT, I felt drawn to go into the tiny airport bookstore. As I wandered through the stacks, I found myself looking straight at a book on spirituality, and I swear it seemed like the book was shouting “Buy me!” I bought it, began reading it on the plane and couldn’t put it down. The rest, as they say, is history. That book sparked my enormous interest in the concept of life after death and it opened my eyes and heart to the world of mediumship.
For months afterwards, I read countless books about the Spirit World, all of which inspired me to begin awareness training at a Spiritualist Church in Victoria, B.C. Eventually, I relocated to Victoria to continue my development. In August 2014, at the Spiritualist Church, I had an amazing reading from a well-known, gifted trained medium from the United Kingdom named Mavis Pittilla. Little did I know: That meeting would change my life.

There are no words to express my gratitude to Mavis and Jean for their guidance, support, and love on my mediumship journey. I’m also forever grateful to my brother Kelly, for I know now that Kelly directed me into the airport bookstore on that fateful day. Kelly now works with me and continues to guide me from the spirit world, his loving light still shines, and he still makes me laugh. Kelly has taught me that what Mavis Pittilla says is true: Love, like life, never dies.