Blending With The Spirit World: Tributes To Spirit
On this page, I pay tribute to the spirits I’ve connected with throughout my readings while blending with the spirit world. In each tribute, I recount my experience during the reading and a bit of info about the person who passed. Thank you for reading.
*Names of people on this page have been changed for privacy.
On December 19, 2020, I had the pleasure of reading for a young lady from Kansas, I will call her “Naomi.” When meeting Naomi, she was quiet and reserved, but before long, she was engaged trusted me. It was a pleasure to be with her.
During the reading, I felt a young man blend with me—afterwards, I learned his name was Brandon. He came in with huge hugs and a lot of love for Naomi. Brandon died young, he was only twenty-six. I knew that September was an important month; Naomi confirmed that Brandon had passed to the spirit world in September 2020. I was aware that his passing was accidental and occurred quickly. Brandon shared with me his feelings of isolation and the fact that he was alone when he passed, however, he did not want to engage too long about his manner of passing. What he did want to share was his love for his family, his siblings, and his mom’s cooking. He shared images of family gatherings and fond memories of times spent with Naomi that she would only she would understand and know about. He communicated what made him happy, his life interests, and his goals: He had aspired to do great things with his life and he’d had dreams he knew he could attain.
I was touched after this reading and wanted to share a bit more about Brandon with you. As I mentioned, he died too soon, no question! Brandon was an aspiring musician, and one month before he passed, he launched three songs on Spotify. My husband and I were both very impressed and felt his message—his music is soulful, powerful, meaningful—it touched our hearts. Brandon had an amazing gift and sadly, our world will not see him grow. But he wanted to help people through his music, so I invite you to click the link below and listen. I know you’ll enjoy Brandon’s songs as much as we did.
Here’s to Brandon, a lovely person, loved by many. Blessings and healing to you, Brandon, as you set out on your journey ahead of us. It was genuinely nice to be in your company.
Norman’s Grandfather
In June of 2021, I was fortunate enough to provide an online reading for a lovely man named Norman from the UK. During our time, I blended with an older gentleman. I sensed he was very strong willed with following and implementing procedures. I became aware that this was Norman’s grandfather.
Norman’s grandfather showed me a dark time where he did not have a lot of money in his early life. I became aware of a uniform and the fact that he was in service. He had medallions on his uniform, but he did not get very far in the ranks. I felt that he was a very sensitive man. I knew that this man had experienced a lot of destruction. I sensed buildings that were destroyed, people with casualties. I became aware that the reason Norman’s grandfather was showing me this was because he was expressing his sensitivity and his emotional side.
I then got the sense that he had mobility issues and challenges with getting around. However, prior to this, he had worked very hard to integrate himself into the community. He was good at business, and eventually money became a little easier for him.
I sensed that he was very good at working with people. He put on a different demeanour when working with his clients. I felt he was quite an interesting gentleman to be around. I then got the sense that he was a collector of sorts. He was quite interested in showing me the medallions he kept on a mantel ledge in his home. Then he took me around a corner and I knew there was a fireplace where he would tell people stories and share commentary about the politics of the day. Norman confirmed this information.
I sensed that Norman’s grandfather wasn’t alone in the house; he lived there with his wife. She kept to the kitchen and the house a lot in general, especially as she got older. Norman’s grandfather showed me their routine of reading and relaxing in the living room. I felt there were some books there, bound in reds, greens and burgundy’s. The books went back a number of years.
I got a sense then that Norman’s grandfather had a belief in faith, and the books were important to this belief as that’s often what he was reading. Community was also quite important to Norman’s grandfather. He had a voice in the community and assisted people.
Next, Norman’s grandfather showed me an older model car. It was big and very nice. Norman’s grandfather was proud of the car as it was an inheritance passed down in the family. Norman smiled when talking about the car as he recalled the adventures with it.
When it came to the grandfather’s illness, I sensed that there were issues with the stomach and throat area. He needed apparatuses to help him breathe. Life was really strong for him before he became ill though. He worked very hard to make sure his children were always happy. He also helped get them set up in life with some financial and emotional support. I became aware that there were a number of grandchildren, so I felt there was a lot of love. He was very happy about that..
I then became aware that I was inside a building, light coloured on the inside. He showed me a white cake because it was a celebration happening in this building. I knew the cake was home made and hand decorated. It was a fair sized celebration for some sort of family event just before he passed.
When it came to his passing, I felt there was a sadness in Norman’s grandfather, because he didn’t really want to go. He wanted to stay and see the next generation. For him, that’s what it was all about – the love of the family was really important to him. He was very proud of Norman’s family and their kinship.
In the end, Norman’s grandfather showed me it was a lack of energy that caused him to slip away. He was met with a number of people in the spirit world when he did.
At this point in the reading, I started to sense Norman’s grandmother in the spirit world. She had been shown to me earlier as having spent lots of time cooking in the kitchen and putzing around the house. The grandmother brought someone with her to me – a very young female, someone who really had a spice of life and lots of energy.
I felt this young girl’s passing was an unfortunate one and fairly quick. I was aware that she had an outgoing personality. I felt that not many people really got a chance to truly know who she was. I sensed a real sadness with her passing and that it was challenging for a number of people.
There was creativity with this young person, especially around colours, possibly with painting. I sensed that she liked treats and cupcakes and the activities that would happen around the house, and she had lots of mobility and wanted to dance. I was shown very thin legs and just knew they wanted to move and dance!
I then became aware that she had certain vitamin deficiencies, possibly an immune deficiency. This was difficult as it caused lots of inability for her to do certain things. I felt the sadness with this as there was nothing people could do, and even the doctors were challenged. She developed problems with her hair and challenges with breathing. She didn’t get to spend a lot of time on Earth, but she had this vibrant energy, trying to keep things positive. She had an inquisitive mind, asking a lot of questions but never really got a chance to live a normal life.
I then became aware of an obituary of this girl, still kept in someone’s drawer. I felt that the paper was aged a bit, so I knew her passing was a number of years ago. I knew there was lots of love there for the girl, but not much anybody could do.
At this point, as the reading was concluding I sent her and Norman’s grandparents lots of love and said goodbye to them. Blessings to them and to Norman’s family.

Lillian’s Friend
In May 2021, I had the pleasure of providing a reading for Lillian; a lovely, gentle woman. As I started to blend with the spirit world, I felt a gentleman that Lillian was quite close to.
Right away, I knew the gentleman wanted to give her a big hug and tell her how much she is loved. He wanted to assure Lillian that everything will be ok, and to embrace changes in life.
This gentleman was dedicated to his work and dressed very well. I became aware that he was astonishingly good with people and kept an interest in “town politics.” He showed me his office and where his chair – an older, 70s style one – did not change over the years because he liked it so much. There was also a clock in his office with a gold circular emblem around it, and he showed me the two chairs with buttons in them that sat across from his desk. I could feel that he absolutely loved his office and his work.
Next, he showed me an old style telephone; I knew that the telephone was quite an important item to him because he kept in touch with relatives and made calls regularly. I then became aware of his friendship with Lillian and how she had looked after him as he became ill towards the end of his life. The gentleman showed me how he used to listen to Lillian putzing around the house after taking care of him, reading magazines and putting her feet up; I knew she was exhausted. The gentleman had been in a lot of pain – a slow, debilitating illness and he needed care for quite a while.
I then became aware of his love and absolute joy for going outside, basking in the brightness and the air; he was in his glory when he was outside, and was happy at home. He was also very interested in the history of his family. He showed me genealogy data and family connections because of the distance in his family and how it was broken up. He wanted to get back together with family and communicate with them. Despite these challenges, he loved his family very much.
Suddenly I felt a beaming brightness and became aware that he played games, especially card games. He excelled at cards, and there was money involved early on in his days. He showed me a hexagon table where he would play poker with the guys. But I knew he was ever so jovial about it, even when he was playing. He then showed me the Queen of Hearts cards – showing the card right in my face – and he asked me to give it to Lillian. This really resonated emotionally with Lillian and she later indicated he could do card tricks also.
I could tell this spirit was such a nice gentleman. There was a ‘giving back’ within him. I became aware that he would purchase jewellery and I saw a gold chain with a pendant on it that he either bought for Lillian or that she associated with; she indicated he had quite a bit of gold. Then I became aware of a religious belief or believing in a God. The gentleman indicated he spoke with Lillian about spiritual aspects. I knew Lillian read to him information to this effect and exchanged information about faith. Lillian confirmed this.
I got the sense his spirit was a bigger gentleman and had a fairly good-sized body, however, he lost weight with his illnesses. I became aware that he passed with a few different ailments and the doctors were trying to figure out which one to treat. This resonated with Lillian. She indicated that this gentleman who had come through to me was called Wayne.
Wayne wanted to then take me back to his illness and showed me some pill bottles. I knew there were stomach issues as I started to get a sensation in my stomach. There were mobility issues, too, with the legs, and Lillian confirmed this. I sensed that Lillian had tried to keep everything organized, which was quite extensive for her and lots of pressure. Wayne really appreciated everything Lillian did for him and I became aware that he hadn’t been in the spirit world very long. At that point, I gave Wayne lots of love, and thanked him for being there that day.
Lillian was awestruck, speechless and very moved by Wayne’s visit. He had been on her mind a lot recently and she was comforted. He was a card magician, dedicated business person and friend, a wonderful man. They met throughout life and became very close friends; he was like a brother to her. I respectfully pay tribute to Wayne, a wonderful genuine person who touched many in their lives. Blessings to Lillian and the next exciting phase of her life.
A Special Dog
In June 2022, I was contacted by a previous client about doing a reading for her recently passed beloved dog. Normally I am not accustomed to providing a full animal communication reading specifically, however, I wanted to offer my services and make an attempt to help where possible.
On the day of her reading before we were scheduled to meet, I could hear barking. Utilizing my mind’s eye, I noticed a small dog running around my feet. I took notice of this but did not pay too much more attention. Then it happened again just before the reading with my client.
When I began the reading, I asked if a smaller dog with white and brown hair made sense to her. She did not recognize the dog, so I carried on and blended with a medium sized white dog with some dirty areas on his fur, like an earthy look. My client understood a medium sized dog. I continued to blend with her dog and shortly after I was receiving information.
This dog was beautiful and full of energy. I could sense the light around him that made his fur seem white. I was aware the dog was very fond of his owner and completely happy to be available to communicate.
When communicating, I noticed the dog was very active and super happy. I became happy and jumpy at the same time, mimicking what her dog made me feel. By providing information, I was able to describe his personality and his absolute love and loyalty to the family. He made me aware that the love went both ways.
From there, I was shown his favourite parts of the house, the areas by the doors where he would often sleep. He also communicated that he sometimes slept at his owner’s feet which would allow him to keep track of her.
The dog shared many memories including having his paws looked after, and his beautiful eyes washed each day by his owner. He expressed that he appreciated the affection and attention to his eyes. He showed me big brown eyes that were eyes to fall in love with! These eyes showed his old soul personality, very kind, responsible and loving. He was a very gentle dog with this old soul.
His family time was very important to him and when the opportunity arose to ride in a vehicle, he showed utter excitement. This made me smile as I watched him move back and forth in the back seat. He shared the love of being outside with family and running around, with the smell of smoke from bonfires nearby.
The client’s dog worked very hard to provide his name as he wanted the client to know he was there. At the time, he shared his name with me but I only indicated to the client that it was a male’s name and familiar. Later on, it was confirmed that I had the correct name. It would have been better to share the name during the reading though, as he worked so very hard to place the name in my mind.
We enjoyed a laugh when her dog shared with me that his owner didn’t provide him with enough treats. He specifically wanted her to know about the treats and we both laughed. Her dog just wanted treats, he said!
Towards the end of the reading, he shared information about something significant under a rock, and something about a single piece of driftwood. What I was able to understand from my client is that the rock had significance to his passing. At the time my client didn’t quite understand driftwood, however, the following day she remembered a piece of driftwood that her dog would often take from the garden and she would always have to put it back. She knew a day later what he was conveying regarding the rock and the driftwood. This is beautiful evidence that he was there with us.
He also shared with his owner that it is okay to get another dog. Her new dog will be similar but slightly different. He indicated in time she will be ready again. He showed me a visual that indicated she would scour the advertisements until the right puppy was available.
It was a beautiful reading and one that I am very proud of.
What I realized the following day was that the small dog who was barking around my feet prior to the reading was my dog Chip, who passed a number of years ago. Chip was a brown and white Bichon Shitzu. I know now that he was there to prepare me by first blending with him as a dog, and then allowing the connection to build so that I could help the client’s dog in spirit. I am truly thankful for Chip’s help.
I am sending lots of love and thanks to Chip and my client’s dog as they both worked so very hard to be with us that day. And the evidence provided was significant. I have a strong belief that dogs do have souls, and dogs communicate from the spirit world whenever they can
Vicky’s Granddaughter
I was fortunate to meet a kind and eager lady named “Vicky” in November 2020. She was lovely to meet and interested in mediumship.
When blending to the spirit world, I became aware of an older gentleman immediately.
He came to me and shared happy times, and to send his love to Vicky. This was Vicky’s Grandfather. As he sent his love, a younger gentleman was present, and I understood from the spirit that this was her brother. He had passed many years prior in his mid-20’s. He shared his mature outgoing personality and friends he kept, even sharing his car and the long dirt driveway known to both. I felt both family members came together to reassure Vicky.
After taking notice of the support, I became aware of a noticeably young girl, younger than a teenager. I could feel the youthfulness and outgoing personality, her fair skin, and smiles. She came through happy and lighthearted. I knew this was the Vicky’s granddaughter. The young girl showed me the area where she lived and her outdoor activities. I could clearly see her skipping down the side street. I became aware of her brothers. She showed me that she overlooked them while alive and was a bit bossy to them as well. I could feel the love and happiness for her brothers and shared this with Vicky.
She took me to a creek close by. I was firstly aware of the smallness, the muddy banks, and the overgrown tall grass. The day was quite bright and sunny. This creek was important to her. She then wanted to show her school, her classroom, and her schoolwork. She was enormously proud of her work and enjoyed school. From there, she made me aware of a dear friend that she was remarkably close with. They did many activities including going to the creek. I was at the creek again as this is significant to the granddaughter in spirit.
Towards the end of the reading the granddaughter wanted to ensure she let Vicky know that she is with her. I became aware of her funeral and the gathering of the people, the location, the large family, and the foods shared. I also became aware of a tiny light-colored pet she had and loved. She showed how the family shares and plays with her pet in her loving memory to this day. This was all particularly important to the young girl as she continued to provide evidence of her presence.
I then became aware of a collection of her light brown hair that is kept inside a box along with smaller keepsakes and her written notes which were especially important. Her granddaughter wanted to let her Vicky know she was with her when she went through the box and loved her very much. I could feel the love and it was very apparent the love that was being sent to her family, and by the details she shared. I was blessed to be part of the communication with such a lovely young girl and her grandmother.
Later, I would find out more about the creek, an investigation, and the writings the granddaughter had kept, which were all important. Vicky had indicated that prior to the reading she spent time with her treasured box that morning and wished for her granddaughter to come through which she did enthusiastically.
I pay tribute to a beautiful young girl whose life touched many with her playfulness and touched me during the reading. I send loving kindness to her family, and love and blessing to Vicky, her family, and those in the Spirit World.
Life Is Beautiful
Recently, I conducted a sitting where a mother and daughter came to see me. The mom’s son and the daughter’s brother came through to say a warm hello and I love you.
He provided much evidence on his personality, his encouragement for his sister and the love for his family. He also gave plenty of information about his time here on Earth. One such piece of evidence was his ring. He used to play with his ring often while on his finger and after he passed, his mother took to wearing his ring on her necklace. Such beautiful evidence.
I became fondly aware of his dog, who helped him immensely in his life. It was a short-haired dog, medium size and very much a watchful companion for him.
He spoke about his life and how it could have been a book. He spoke of his intelligence and his willingness. He also mentioned that both his mom and sister had been writing and he wanted them to keep up their writing as he found it extremely interesting to overlook. He was watchful of their writings and enjoyed their input. He did mention that one of them would have a bit of a writer’s block but that it would be just for a short time, and then they would both be back writing again.
He also spoke of his tragic passing and how he passed not long ago. He spoke of the difficulty he had speaking while here on earth and needing help with a breathing apparatus before his death. He spoke of the dedicated help from the family and how much he appreciated all their efforts.
One thing that stuck out clearly in my mind during the reading was that he wanted his mom to know that “life is beautiful.” It was absolutely a beautiful message and clear as day when he gave it to me. He wanted his mom to know that through all his travesties in life, his difficulties and his confinement, that life can still be beautiful.
I felt absolute love for his mom and sister. I felt that he truly wanted them to know that life was beautiful and that he was okay in the spirit world. His message to his mom touched her but also myself in the reading. I could feel the sincerity and the positivity of his message; that we can live a very difficult life and have hardship but we can also remain positive in knowing that Life is Beautiful. His comment not only lifted his family but myself as well.
I send many well wishes to the young man in spirit and to his family who dearly love him.