
Arlene Mills

Book an Intuitive or Mediumship Reading with Arlene

Hello and thank you for considering booking a reading with me!

Appointments are available for one person each as follows (in Canadian dollars):

  • 30 mins: $95 for online or $125 for in-person
  • 45 mins: $135 for online or $175 for in-person

Appointment locations:

Payment must be collected when booking your reading. You may pay via credit card or PayPal when booking, or may e-transfer immediately after booking your reading. IF PAYING VIA E-TRANSFER,  Please e-transfer the total amount to banking@arlenemills.com immediately after booking your appointment to avoid being cancelled.  If payment is not received within 24 hours after booking, the system will cancel the appointment.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact info@arlenemills.com

Book Your Mediumship or Psychic Reading

PLEASE NOTE: Arlene Mills is currently booked until the fall.  First available appointment is online utilizing the booking tool below. Thank you!

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