If you’ve ever had a mediumship reading before, you may have wondered if a medium can tell if you have a gift to communicate with spirit. Recently, I was asked by a sitter in a reading this exact question. She wanted to know if she had mediumistic abilities. I told her that I felt she had the ability to connect with the spirit world, and provided her with some information that she found helpful.
How to tell if you have the gift to communicate with spirit
I provided her with information about her sensitivity – her ability to feel and sense her surroundings, feel people’s emotions, and have intuitive insights for her life and others. These are some of the attributes that a person often possesses long before becoming a medium.
Often a person has a bit of anxiety from being super sensitive and aware of their surroundings. These sensitive abilities are particularly important when feeling and sensing the spirit world.

While some people just know that they have their family and friends close by and can feel the subtleties of their family members from spirit, there are others that are not so sure.
For those who are not sure and are wondering about communicating with spirit, a medium may be able to help you with understanding yourself along with understanding your connection and patterns you have to be able to connect with those who have passed over.
Do you have the gift to communicate with spirit?
I can often sense and have a ‘knowing’ that a person has the ability to connect to the spirit world. Sometimes I explain some of the attributes one possesses to have the connection and ability.
For myself, I was told many years ago that I had the ability when I was not very sure of myself. This information came from a very reputable person, a medium that I trusted deeply. This helped me along my path of spiritual development and discovery of myself along with the unfolding of my mediumship abilities.
For those who are seeking to find out if they have a gift, please seek out a reputable evidential medium who has been trained by senior teachers, has past experience helping others, and has a psychic and intuitive background. This allows them to read you when in a sitting and to sense your abilities.
Mediumistic abilities are within the soul of a person, as it is the soul that connects with the spirit world, and this is the soul power that we use when we connect and receive information.
When seeking out a medium to help you with your unfolding mediumship, always have a bit of a skeptical mind and be wise to exercise caution when evaluating claims related to your mediumistic and psychic abilities. Research the medium you seek guidance from and always keep an open mind when seeking information about the spirit world.