Arlene Mills

Spirit Guides | Connecting with Your Spiritual Helpers

The question about Spirit Guides  is often asked, and for some people it’s a very interesting  topic to discuss. Many people want to know more about spirit guides and what is their purpose and how to connect.    

What is a Spirit Guide?   

Spirit guides are non-physical beings that are believed to assist and support individuals on their life path. In some beliefs they may be referred to as a Guardian Angel. They are said to be loving and wise helpers who provide guidance, wisdom, and support. While the concept of spirit guides may be unfamiliar to some, many people, and many cultures, believe in their existence and find comfort in knowing they have this amazing support. For myself, I strongly believe in the support and encouragement from spirit guides.  

Who are spirit guides?

Spirit guides are believed to be non-physical beings who exist in a different reality and that have agreed to help individuals on their life journey. Their purpose is to provide guidance and support to those who seek their assistance.  In my tradition,  a spirit guide can be an individual who lived on earth at one time, and has gained great knowledge while in the spirit world, and made the decision to help and guide an individual on earth. The spirit guide is with the individual from pre-birth until one passes to the spirit world.    

The Role of Spirit Guides

The role of spirit guides is to provide individuals with guidance and support on their life journey. Spirit guides are believed to help people navigate life’s challenges and make important decisions. They are also said to provide comfort and reassurance during difficult times and to help individuals connect with their higher selves.

Spirit guides are said to communicate with individuals through a variety of means, including dreams, intuition, and synchronicities. They may also communicate through signs and symbols, such as seeing repeated numbers or encountering certain animals.

Do I have spirit guides?

nature and spirit guides

If you’re wondering whether you have spirit guides, the answer is likely yes. According to many spiritual beliefs, including mine,  everyone has spirit guides who are dedicated to helping and supporting them. However, some people may not be aware of their spirit guides or may have trouble connecting with them. Here are a few signs to consider in your life and if you have had some assistance from a spirit guide;  

  1. You experience repeated coincidences or synchronicities in your life.
  2. You feel a strong intuition or gut feeling guiding you in certain directions.
  3. You have a recurring dream or a strong knowing, especially around difficult times. 
  4. You have a strong connection to nature and the positive energy it provides
  5. You have a feeling of being watched over or protected, even in difficult situations.

Each of us may connect in unique ways, or have a unique understanding of our spirit guides.  Connecting with your spirit guides is a personal and unique experience, and not everyone will experience the same signs or connections. Trust your intuition and pay attention to any messages or guidance that come your way, as they may be coming from your spirit guides.

Can I be harmed by a Spirit Guide?

Quite frankly, NO!  Spirit guides are with us in a loving and supportive way.  There is no harm that can be done as they cannot cross the universal law of separation between our world and theirs. 

How to connect with your spirit guides

Connecting with your spirit guides is a personal and individual experience, and there is no one “right” way to do it. However, there are some common practices that many people find helpful in connecting with their spirit guides:

  1. Meditation – Meditation is a tool for connecting with your spirit guides. Sit in a quiet place and focus on your breath. Set the intention to connect with your spirit guides, and ask them to reveal themselves to you. Often it can be pictures, smells, sounds, or a knowing that they are blending with you while meditating. Take note of any changes you feel or sense while in a meditative state.  
  2. Journaling – Writing in a journal can help you connect with your spirit guides by allowing you to reflect on your thoughts and feelings. You can write down any messages or guidance you receive from your guides that come through in the form of inspiration.   
  3. Pay attention to signs and symbols – Your spirit guides may communicate with you through signs and symbols. Pay attention to repeated numbers, animal sightings, or other meaningful symbols.
  4. Trust your intuition – Your intuition is a powerful tool for connecting with your spirit and also spirit guides. Trust your inner guidance and listen to your instincts.

Spirit Guides Are Powerful For Spiritual Journeys

Spirit guides are believed to be loving and wise helpers who offer guidance and support. They offer a connection to a higher power. For many of us, acknowledging and working with spirit guides can offer many benefits, including clarity and guidance, support and comfort and spiritual growth. By connecting with your spirit guides, you can deepen your spiritual practice, gain insight into your life path, and experience love and wisdom.   

For myself,  just knowing that I have a spirit guide provides comfort but also knowing that wherever I go in life, I am supported by a spiritual guide to help me along my sometimes bumpy path.  

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