Ethics in mediumship is one of the most important parts of seeking a mediumship reading. I strongly believe that the medium must act in a professional manner at all times, and uphold the value of the spirit world, knowing that the spirit world is always with us and watching over us.
For myself, I can assure those who seek a reading from me that I follow all codes of ethics in my practice. But this cannot be said of every single medium unfortunately.
In the field of mediumship, there are sometimes individuals who have not had the training or the experience, and therefore they may not uphold a strong ethical practice. It’s important to be aware of this when booking a mediumship reading.
How To Be An Ethical Medium
Here are some areas to consider if you are becoming a medium or interested in mediumship, or wanting to find a medium to book with.
This list provides some of the responsibilities that come with mediumship and encourages mediums to work to the highest standards in their demonstrations and readings:
Mediums should:
- Maintain the highest standards of competence
- Work with integrity and honesty at all times
- Continue to improve and develop the knowledge and abilities through training
- Be responsible and act in the best interests of the client and spirit world
- Act in a manner which promotes and encourages Spiritualism and quality mediumship
- Take responsibility for your words and actions
- Be mindful of the impact of your messages and information
- Treat clients with respect and courtesy at all times
- Respect others’ beliefs, creeds and philosophy
- Treat all information received during a demonstration or sitting as strictly confidential
- Explain to the sitter or audience what to expect before a private sitting or demonstration
- Inform the sitter or audience that the medium can not bring a specific person through but be open to whomever blends with the medium
- Make it clear to the recipient that they have personal responsibility for any decisions they make as a result of a sitting or communication
- Be presentable and kind at all times
Mediums should never:
- Make false or misleading claims
- Discriminate against anyone on the grounds of race, politics, religion, creed, age, sexuality or disability
- Breach the confidentiality of what is said in a private sitting
- Attempt to make oneself look better in spite of another person’s emotions or feelings
- Give a private reading to a child or young person under the age of 18
- Give a private reading to a vulnerable adult that may not be mentally well
- Use information obtained from a sitting to your own advantage
- Pretend to be in contact with the spirit world when you are not
- Claim to be able to contact a particular spirit
- Use inappropriate language
- Embarrass a sitter in any way
- Give specific predictions about the future but recognise that a medium only can only see future potentials
- Give messages which are negative or could cause harm. Examples include:
o Predicting that someone is going to die or get ill
o Telling someone not to seek medical advice
o Telling someone to leave their partner
o Telling someone to leave their job
o Telling someone that their partner will leave them
o Telling someone that their partner is having an affair
o Telling someone that their child is being abused
o Telling someone they have a spirit attachment - Give messages designed to take advantage of people.
Although some mediums may think they’re helping someone by advising the sitter of health issues or trying to predict the future with specificity, it can actually do more harm than good. It’s important for all mediums to remain moral and ethical during the reading, as readings often have a profound effect on the sitter in influencing their life and mood.
If you are looking to get into mediumship, sticking to the above lists of ethics is highly crucial for your success in building trust with your clients. If you are looking to book a reading with a medium, consider the lists above and see if the medium adheres to these ethics or not. If they don’t, you’ll have a pretty good idea of whether or not to book with them.