
Arlene Mills

Are you being held back from doing mediumship readings for others?

This is a very interesting question when it comes to doing mediumship readings for others. What holds us back from doing something that we absolutely love, that brings us fulfilment and also helps others? Simply put, it’s fear of the unknown!

It is fear that often drives many of us away from doing something that brings joy. This could easily be applied to anything – fear in our work, in our creativity or even in our education. It is very difficult to experience such fear, and many of us have indeed experienced it with the things we love!   

Imagine being a singer and standing up in a large auditorium, singing for the first time in front of others. It must be quite scary! I look at the young individuals on the series The Voice and I commend them for their ability to stand up and sing in front of so many, conquering their fears.

We as an audience don’t often see the fear, the hesitation, or the challenges that they’re up against when the contestants stand up in front of a live Network audience and television viewers. Many need to work through their fear to have success in their lives and overcome fear of performance. They’ve had to work through their anxiety to get to where they are. I appreciate their willingness to break through to become the true spirit that they are. The spirit is amazing when we allow ourselves to grow and exist in our natural way.  

Why We Might Fear Doing Mediumship Readings For Others

doing mediumship readings for others

When doing mediumship readings for others, it is much the same thing; as we begin to develop and enhance the skills necessary for being a professional medium, there is a fear that is often attached to coming out as a medium and being visible to others. We have fears of becoming known, or in the practice of mediumship, fears of not being “good enough.”   

We have fears due to lack of mediumship and psychic training, and fear of providing a reading for somebody that is not resonating with the sitter. With doing mediumship readings for others, there are fears about not being able to connect with spirit because we don’t want to be wrong.  As mediums, we don’t want to look like we are inadequate, tired, or unknowledgeable about the spirit world.

I can understand this; it was in my early days of development that I was fearful of pulling up a chair with somebody to provide an experimental reading. We practiced by doing psychic and mediumship readings for each other.  When we sit across and have little to provide, a reader can feel inadequate, unable to connect, and definitely fearful of doing additional sittings going forward.

I’ve had this experience in my early days when I began doing mediumship readings for others. I often looked at the sitter, gazed into their eyes, assessed where they were at and tried to provide a reading. One of the things that often happens is that we’re very hard on ourselves. We’re hard on what we said, what we felt or the information that we’ve provided to the sitter.  

If you consider the contestants on The Voice, do you think that each person had an easy time when they were developing? It’s not easy for anybody to do their true calling, overcome fear of performance, or to find that love of spirit and want to continue with the hard work it takes to become a professional. Each person on The Voice has a dream of becoming a professional singer. Much like people who are developing as mediums, it takes work, dedication and trust.  

How To Overcome Lack Of Confidence As A Medium

I feel that the most significant impact for mediumship development is about trust. In fact, development is about trust completely! It’s about trusting that the spirit will be there to provide you the information, blend with you, and trust for a strong connection to the spirit world for the sitter. It’s trust in yourself that you can do the work and do it honestly and ethically. Trust and dedication leads to success for a professional medium, and more cionfidence when doing mediumship readings for others.

I talked about fear in the beginning – it is a real thing in a mediumship. Many mediums, if not most, experience it. It is difficult to overcome and many people give up before the spirit draws a person back into the work. Fear is very difficult to overcome in life in general; it occurs in many different fields, but with practice, dedication and trust, and allowing your soul to guide you, you can do very well in mediumship if this is a field of work that you are called to do.

All I can say is practice. Work with trusted people and get to know the spirit world and yourself well enough so that you’re confident each time you sit down with a person, you will have a spirit with you. It is the most gratifying reward that I can encourage people to pursue if there’s an interest in mediumship development. I’m always available via email if anybody wants to send me a quick note about fear, development or ask about any ideas that I may have to overcome your fear.

Warm wishes to you!

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