
Arlene Mills

Dementia and Alzheimer’s : How Altered States of Consciousness Can Facilitate Communication with Spirits

When a loved one has dementia or Alzheimer’s, it can be challenging to watch them slowly slip away. 

Sometimes these patients may appear to be communicating with a family member who has passed on. In this article, we explore the phenomenon of altered states of consciousness and how they can facilitate communication with the spirit world.

Altered States of Consciousness and Dementia

Individuals with dementia or Alzheimer’s often experience altered states of consciousness. These altered states can manifest as dream-like states or periods of zoning out. 

dementia and alzheimer's

During these states, patients may feel and sense the spirit world, similar to how mediums perceive the spiritual realm. This connection to the spirit world can be even stronger for individuals with dementia as they are more receptive to information from the spiritual realm. The spirit world is often closer to us during times of illness and may provide love and support to those suffering from dementia.

Communicating with Spirits

It is not uncommon for dementia patients to speak to family members who have passed on, as if they were in the same room. This occurs when patients alter their consciousness to receive information from the spiritual realm. 

As patients sit in a lucid state, they may blend with their deceased loved ones for support and love. This is a very similar process for mediums like myself who sit down to blend with the spirits of the sitter having the reading. 

Supporting Dementia Patients

As caretakers of loved ones with dementia, it is important to listen to the stories they tell, even if they seem far-fetched or unrealistic. These stories may provide insight into the altered states of consciousness that dementia patients experience and can help us understand the ways in which they communicate with the spirit world. 

By providing support and love to our loved ones with dementia, we can help them navigate the challenges of this illness and the altered states of consciousness that come with it.

In conclusion, altered states of consciousness in individuals with dementia and Alzheimer’s can facilitate communication with the spirit world. While it may seem far-fetched, patients may speak to deceased family members as if they were in the same room. By understanding and supporting our loved ones during these altered states, we can provide comfort and love to those suffering from dementia.

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