Arlene Mills

How To Connect With Loved Ones After They’ve Passed

It is no surprise that many of us would want to connect with loved ones after they’ve passed. I know when I lost my brother, I had no idea where he was or where he went! I didn’t believe in the spirit world at the time, so how could I feel him?

It wasn’t until many years later that I felt drawn to connect and develop my mediumship. I felt that my brother would assist me in my life, and connect to show me signs.  

Calm Your Mind

So, what did I do?  First off, to connect with loved ones after they’ve passed, I needed to learn to quiet my body and mind in order to connect with my own spirit, which would then allow me to connect with family in the spirit world. 

connect with loved ones after they've passed

I believe that we need a calm mind in order to make this connection. Often our mind is busy with the day’s events and challenges that we face. If we have a busy mind or a lot on the go, we should find ways to calm the mind for short periods of time each day. Possibly stop to enjoy a cup of tea and allow the mind to rest.

It’s in the resting of the mind that we become calmer and more at peace with our own spirit instead of feeling anxious about the concerns of the day. 

In the beginning, I strongly suggest that you develop this ability to sit and be quiet. It can be indoors or outdoors, as long as it’s a place where you can learn how to calm the mind. I sometimes use the technique of paying attention to each breath while breathing through the nose. Paying attention allows the mind to calm. This technique is helpful for me personally, however, there may be other ways to attain calmness.

Enter An Altered State of Consciousness

After calming your mind, start to pay more attention to your senses and feelings and sensations around you. We do this by entering a light, altered state of consciousness.

That means that we shift our mind away from all the day’s events and move to a clearer area of our mind. When we shift our consciousness, we can then become a medium to the spirit world. It’s in this altered state that we move away from the mind and start to become more aware of our senses. We can feel, sense, smell, hear and know, possibly allowing us to connect with loved ones after they’ve passed.

When in a light altered state of consciousness, we may find that we are receiving information, which is quite possibly information from the spirit world. I cannot guarantee that you will connect, but I will say it’s possible that anybody can connect if we do not allow our minds to interfere with the calmness while maintaining a light altered state. 

What It’s Like To Connect With Loved Ones After They’ve Passed

When I connect with loved ones after they’ve passed, I just sit, push away my worries, and let whatever information and feelings flow to me. I know that some of the information, often encouraging, will be my family.

After a while, one may find that there is a peace and a knowing when spirit is around. For each one of us it can be a different experience.  Maybe I feel spirit while you may smell spirit with a recognizable scent, or maybe we feel the spirit around us in a different way.  

For myself, I know when my brother is with me by just knowing. He will all of a sudden enter my thoughts and drop his name to me. He will do this especially when I was not thinking of him at the time. He will come into the essence of my aura and drop ideas and thoughts, but more importantly he gives me much needed love and a bit of shove when I am encountering difficulties in my life.

My final thoughts for you are that, anytime you are thinking of your loved one, know that they may be near to you. It is understandable that you would want to connect with loved ones after they’ve passed as I must say, the love from our loved ones is so helpful when we experience difficulties and challenges; they often are the ones who are cheering us on and loving us every day.

I know this from my own experiences of going through difficulties and challenges – my brother would always be there. Just know that the love from the spirit world is always around us, and they send much love, hugs, and blessings for all of us. They are there when we need, and wish to send love to you as much as you want to send love to them. Love from the spirit world is an amazing and generous gift.    

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