Learning the art of mediumship requires dedication and effort to become the best medium you can be. The practice of connecting and communicating with spirits requires a combination of study, practice, and personal development. It’s important to approach this practice with an open mind, respect for the spiritual realm, and a commitment to ethical conduct.
For many mediums, the first step in mediumship development is self reflection, self discovery and in many cases, healing of oneself. Mediumship is often a very personal journey of self discovery. Without understanding self and soul, your process of connecting to the spirit world may not reach its full potential.
If you have an interest in learning mediumship, here are some pointers to consider as someone who has been in mediumship development for many years now:
Research and seek out Mediumship demonstrations and private sittings
Begin by researching and watching mediums while working. Attend mediumship demonstrations and consider booking a private sitting with a medium. Watch and take note of how the medium works and the information that comes through. Take time to read about mediumship, mediums, and learn about the history, various techniques, and different schools of thought within mediumship.
Engage in Self-Reflection
Understand your motivations and intentions for wanting to learn mediumship. Self reflections and understanding of self is key to knowing if being a medium is aligned with you. Ensure you have the best intentions and a genuine desire to help others and communicate with the spirit world when learning mediumship.
Follow Ethical Guidelines
Familiarize yourself with ethical guidelines for mediumship. This includes obtaining the consent of the person seeking a reading and respecting boundaries. Do not approach people in public places as this is unethical and can be disturbing to the recipient. Understand that being truthful and honest is necessary in this field of work, and not only are you helping the client, but you are certainly working for the spirit world. Check in with yourself and your ethics; do you feel that you have the ethics to work for spirit?
Develop Your Psychic Abilities
Mediumship often involves abilities such as clairvoyance (clear seeing), clairaudience (clear hearing), and clairsentience (clear feeling). Develop and practice these abilities through meditation and exercises to learn mediumship. Often a person develops the psychic abilities first and practices with clients before working with the spirit world. Consider that it may be a more natural transition to first receive feedback from a client through psychic work than to start out by receiving feedback from the spirit world.
Practice Meditation and Mindfulness
Regular meditation can help you increase your sensitivity to the spiritual realm and improve your intuition. It’s essential to develop a calm and focused mind. While some people do not need to meditate to become a medium, others do. Finding peace in the mind assists with the altered states needed to connect to the spirit world. If you don’t have a quiet mind, consider finding time to meditate when learning mediumship.

Expand Your Philosophy
Learn and develop an understanding of the spirit world and how the soul and spirit is an integral part of developing mediumship. Undertaking some commitment of studying philosophy and the great mediums that came before us who paved the way will give you a great foundation upon which to learn mediumship. Philosophy helps develop the medium with a foundation of understanding. Do study when time permits.
Join a Spiritual or Development Circle
One area of importance for development will be working with others that are like-minded individuals whom you may practice with. Seek out local or online spiritual or development circles where you can learn and practice mediumship in a supportive environment. This is necessary to develop mediumship skills over time. Experienced mediums often lead these groups. These development circles are often weekly or bi-weekly so consider regular attendance to gain more insight into your mediumship.
Find Mentorship
If possible, find a mentor who is an experienced medium. Often an experienced medium has worked with spirit for many years, has the history, philosophy and training, and is willing to guide and teach you. Learning from someone with expertise can be invaluable and help understand the subtleties of mediumship. Mentorships are often 12 months.
Practice with Others
Practice is key to developing mediumship skills. Offer readings to friends and family members who are open to the experience. Consider keeping a journal to record your experiences and refine your abilities. There are times when spirit connections will amaze you. Please keep a record of these times, as there are times when mediumship can challenge you so it’s best have notes to look back on and know how far you’ve come. One milestone that I am aware of is providing one hundred non-paid readings before charging any money.
Trust Your Intuition
The foundation of mediumship is our intuition. Mediums often understand that they have good intuitive skills before they begin to learn mediumship. Learn to trust your intuition and this will help in your development and messages you receive from the spirit world. Doubt can block your abilities, hold you back, cause anxiousness and self doubt, so cultivate self-confidence and enjoy the experiences.
Continue Learning
From my experience, the spirit world wants the medium to continue to grow and learn. The spirit world is one of the best teachers and will help the medium develop their skills. Keep learning and expanding your knowledge. Attend workshops, seminars, and conferences related to mediumship would help with the development of the medium.
Maintain a Supportive Community
Being a medium can be a lonely road. Not everyone will understand or be able to connect with your choice of becoming a medium. Consider connecting with like-minded individuals who are also interested in mediumship. A supportive community can provide encouragement, guidance, and a sense of belonging.
Be Patient and Persistent
Developing mediumship skills can take time – many years for many mediums. It is said that one never fully develops as there is always more to learn with the spirit world. There is so much to learn and understand. Please be patient with yourself and continue practicing regularly.
Well being and self care
Ground yourself regularly to maintain a healthy balance between the spiritual and physical realms. Self care is extremely important to the medium. Keeping oneself healthy and well is necessary to becoming a medium. This helps prevent burnout and ensures your well-being so that you may serve spirit well. If you are not well, how can you possibly serve well?
Ethical Conduct
Always maintain ethical standards in your practice. Be respectful of the client, yourself and most importantly the spirit world. Respect the privacy and emotions of those seeking readings, and never exploit vulnerable individuals. Never speak ill of those who come to you or those in spirit. Send blessings to those who need your help as your help can change someone’s life with the healing of mediumship.
Learning Mediumship Is Personal
Remember that mediumship is a very personal and spiritual journey. It’s important to approach it with humility and a genuine desire to be of service to others. Take your time to develop your skills and the connection to the spirit realms. Your ethics is of utmost importantance in your development. Take good care of yourself as you go down the path of becoming a medium.