
Arlene Mills

How To Practice Mediumship | Improve Your Spiritual Communication

Many of us who are interested in mediumship have wondered at some point how to practice mediumship. It’s one thing to learn about it – it’s another thing to practice! We may start out wondering and researching about the spirit world. We do some of our own research and investigations, read books, or possibly attend a demonstration or a church.

It is through this inquiring and investigation stage that we may then wonder, can I really become a medium?  If one has the draw and desire, then there is a good possibility that you can become a medium! 

What does it take to improve spiritual communication?

Becoming a good evidential medium that clients would be happy with takes time and dedication along with practical experience and learning about yourself in the process. What is interesting is that many experienced mediums still require regular practice to continually hone their amazing connection to spirit and improve spiritual communication.

While practicing mediumship, one is constantly developing because no one is ever fully developed. I am a strong believer that we are never completely developed as a medium and can always improve our skills and connection to the spirit world. My 82-year-old teacher, Mavis Pittilla, indicates that her mediumship still continues to evolve by working and connecting to the spirit world.  

how to practice mediumship

Learning how to practice mediumship takes time, patience, lifelong commitment and research, but it is so worth it!

Why is it so important to practice mediumship?

Have you considered that the spirit world continually teaches and mentors us along our path in life? It is my belief and experience that this is true. For our development and learning, we must be open to gaining spiritual knowledge and understanding the spirit world and practicing mediumship when we can.   

When we begin our journey of learning how to practice mediumship, we need to learn and feel our own sensitivity to the spirit world. These sensitivities we use are for improving our ability to communicate with the spirit world.  Therefore, by practicing mediumship, we become more aware of our own sensitivity. 

Practicing mediumship is essential for most mediums, including beginner mediums. Not only does practicing mediumship allow us to learn about our sensitivity and how we feel the spirit world, but it also strengthens soul-to-soul connections. Let me explain.

Mediumship is about using our soul to connect with another soul in the spirit world. This ‘soul connection’ is how the information flows from the spirit world to the medium. And so, it is through learning about our own soul that we encounter and strengthen the most important part of the relationship experience with the spirit world – a medium connecting their own soul to a sitter or person in the spirit world.

This is what provides accuracy for the medium and the information to flow to the sitter, because a medium can relay information much more accurately with their soul rather than their mind; the conscious mind will struggle, become distracted, and will mainly interfere with inaccurate information. A medium will see the most improvement when they can get control of their own monkey mind, as the mind will not have the answers that the soul has.

So, it is important to practice mediumship, because each time you practice, you will continue to improve that soul-to-soul connection. For anyone who asks me how to practice mediumship, this is an essential understanding to have first before practicing.

How To Practice Mediumship

I have explained a bit about why it is so important to practice mediumship. However, how to do it! That’s another thing.

The practice and improvement of a new medium is in the learning and understanding of the soul; this allows mediumship to flourish. Learning how to practice mediumship doesn’t need to be daunting – I have a two main suggestions for how to practice mediumship and improve understanding of the soul.

Try joining a circle
A circle is where several like minded and developing mediums gather together, either online or in person, to do readings for each other. Essentially they are exchanging readings. Doing exchange readings can further develop a new medium’s skills and allows the awareness to strengthen without needing clients right away.

There are many circles often found locally at spiritualist churches or through a medium that may offer services close by. In addition, you can try finding circles online, such as through Facebook groups. This is especially helpful during COVID times and these groups often have various levels of ability for a developing  medium to work with. 

It may not be ideal in some situations to practice mediumship online, but I can attest that mediumship development and readings can certainly be done over the internet successfully! It’s the teachers you have that matter most; development of a medium can be achieved very highly with great teachers, regardless of if it’s in person or not.  

In addition, online learning can be particularly helpful if a new medium lives in a remote area or does not know individuals that are able to practice with them. Finding the people to practice with is essential for feeling, sensing, knowing, smelling and visualizing the spirit world. 

Circles can also be a great place for educational purposes and discussing theory and philosophy when learning how to practice mediumship. If the circle is managed by an experienced medium, then the medium will likely provide some teaching and encouragement. In addition, the teacher allows the participants to try different exercises to learn their particular style of communication. 

I suggest finding a circle where there is sensitivity given to the teaching aspect and a positive communication style. Find a circle that makes you feel secure and safe in the environment.  Attempting communication takes dedication and effort is not easy, so having a supportive environment is critical to moving a medium forward.

In a supportive circle, a new medium will easily gain knowledge and be able to practice soul-to-soul connection with other like-minded people. I can’t recommend it enough!

Improve awareness and clear your mind
Another suggestion for learning how to practice mediumship is to become aware of and lean into your sensitivity throughout the day.

Often when our journey in mediumship begins, we will have a ‘monkey mind’ (unsettled thinking, restless thought patterns, indecisiveness, etc.) which causes us many challenges in our spiritual and soul communications. For any medium, being aware of our own feelings has a positive impact on spiritual communication.  When we are aware of our feelings and our monkey minds, or our altered states of consciousness, then we gain a better understanding of ourselves and more control when we sit down to practice. 

In learning how to practice mediumship, it is important to especially learn the skill of clearing the mind to allow yourself to be at peace. Peace is so necessary when practicing mediumship. I personally feel that my mind is at peace when I sit for the spirit world. 

Essentially, there are only so many ways for learning how to practice mediumship, because at the end of the day, the main thing to do is to just practice! If you’ve been researching mediumship and feel you’re ready to learn how to practice mediumship, I highly suggest joining a circle and giving more attention and awareness to your sensitivity, and devoting time to clearing your mind.

Good luck and best wishes to you on your journey!


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