Arlene Mills

Mediumship & Psychic Reading FAQs

What is the difference between a Medium and an Intuitive/Psychic?

An Intuitive reads you, which includes your past and your future direction. A Medium connects to loved ones who have passed over and receives information providing evidence of the continuation of life after death.

What makes a good Medium?

All Mediums have different styles, strengths, and abilities for communication – no two mediums are the exact same. One thing all good Mediums share though, is that they will not ask you multiple questions or engage in conversation about your loved ones in the spirit world.  It is the Medium’s responsibility to bring forth descriptive evidence including personality traits and unique personal items that confirm beyond a doubt that your loved one is with you.

How does Spirit communicate with you as a Medium?

They use the Medium’s sensitivity to communicate. They access this through the thoughts, feelings, experiences, and emotions of the Medium.   The Medium receives information and relays it with as much accuracy as possible. It truly is a three-way communication: the spirit, the medium, and yourself are all involved in a mutual agreement and understanding.

Why would I need a Mediumship reading versus an Intuitive reading?

Clients usually want a mediumship reading because they miss their deceased loved ones. Mediums are often able to provide information or memories for the client. As such, Mediums can help bridge information gaps between the spirit and the client; it’s confirmation that your loved one is still with you, watches over you, and loves you. When a client comes for an Intuitive or Psychic reading, it is usually because they have questions about their life. Generally, the client is looking for guidance using the information the Intuitive or Psychic is able to provide through a reading.

Can I ask questions in a Mediumship reading?

This is not ideal during a reading.  When asking questions, it breaks the flow of information, just like being interrupted in a conversation.  It is best to go with the flow of the reading and listen to what is being brought forth.  Asking questions at the end is the ideal time.

Isn’t it scary and dangerous to communicate with spirit?

Professional mediums set the intention that our services are for the highest and best good of our clients, with love in mind.  I do not believe that there are bad spirits, but there may be negative energy in a room, building, hotel etc.  We have all been in places where we felt uneasy or uncomfortable, but that is not because of spirits; it’s because of the energy of that area, room, or location. My experience with Spirit has always been remarkable and loving. 

The person I wanted to hear from didn’t come through. Why?

Mediums do not get to dial up a spirit as you would when picking up the phone to call someone. Instead, it is more like sitting by the phone and waiting for it to ring. Spirit chooses the Medium. Think of it as you would when using a telephone; there are times when the call goes through but the line isn’t clear, or the person you want to hear from may not need to talk or use the phone (the medium) at all. It doesn’t mean that they don’t love you; it just means Spirit can’t use the medium at that time.

After the death of a loved one, I felt their presence around me and/or they have come to me in dreams. Is that real?

YES!! Absolutely. Have you experienced a vivid dream where your loved one seemed quite bright and vibrant? Often there are no spoken words in these dreams, however, there may be words that transmit by thought.  This is your loved one coming to you in your dreams. These dreams are quite powerful, making them hard to forget. Another way our loved ones come to visit us is through our thoughts.  Often, we will shift our thoughts to our loves ones as we feel a change in our energy.  This is a time to acknowledge they are there, and say “I love you!” These are just a couple of examples of spirit communication. They may send you signs and symbols. You may dream of them. You may feel them around you when your mind is most at ease.  Smile, knowing you are loved.

Does spirit bother you all day?

No. It would be draining to be with spirit all day and would disrupt the life of the medium, including mental stability.  Professional mediums access their faculty when with a client and then close down afterwards. As a client, when you arrive for a client session your family is already with you, and when you leave they leave with you.   I should note that it is unethical to bring forward someone’s loved one anywhere in public.

Can anyone be a Medium?

There is a saying in mediumship: “Many are called, but few are chosen.” I believe that those who are meant to read for others are called to do so on a deeper soul-level. Those who have spirit connection faculties may never develop them because mediumship development is simply not part of their life plan. A professional medium takes years of development and dedication, first to themselves, then to the spirit world.   If the soul calls you to do this work, then your road to development will open. 

What happens if the medium cannot read me?

There are times when a medium cannot read a person. It may be because the spirit world does not want to communicate with the medium, or maybe the medium is having an off day.  These things happen and it’s no different than communicating on earth; some people don’t fit well with others. For myself, I give 100% refund if this occurs. I like to ensure satisfaction of my services when a client has paid.

Can I record my reading?

Yes, an audio recording is fine. Many cell phones have an app to record conversations. I am known to cover a lot of information during my readings, so it will help to review all that we discussed.

Can I bring a friend or partner to the reading?

Unfortunately, the answer is no. It’s best that it just be you and I because another person’s energy and experiences can interfere and distract during the reading.

What happens in a mediumship reading
What happens in a mediumship reading
What happens in a mediumship reading
What happens in a mediumship reading

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