
Arlene Mills

My Beliefs Around Psychic Abilities & Intuition

As a spiritual medium and psychic, people sometimes will ask me what my thoughts and beliefs are on psychic abilities and intuition. It is amazing to witness other people use their psychic abilities to see something in the future or past. I think we have all experienced this ability with other people in our lives who were better able to predict something that we were unsure about.

And that’s not to say that we ourselves don’t ever sense or feel areas of our life that may be of concern, because we all certainly do! Humans are naturally intuitive and our intuitive beliefs guide us – we may even predict an event coming for ourselves or others. Often, we call this our gut instinct, but essentially it is the psychic abilities deep within us that we all possess.

psychic abilities

What do I think about psychic abilities and intuitive beliefs?

I did not always recognize or understand that I have psychic abilities and intuition. However, unbeknownst to myself at the time, I used psychic abilities early on in my life, often in my work environment. I needed to understand the difficulties that were lying ahead of me in different areas of the company and I used my intuitive skills, which often led me down the correct path.

It is my belief that strong intuition skills come about through life’s difficulties. I recognize within myself that certain difficulties in my life caused me to sense more, feel more, and build more of an acute awareness of my surroundings. I learnt how to feel others emotions, and I learnt how to tune in with psychic abilities as to what might happen in the future.  

These are all intuitive skills stemming from an awareness and need for wanting to be safe. Often at a young age, we learn naturally how to use our intuition and it becomes part of how we navigate safety in our lives. As such, we do not even recognize that we may be a good psychic because it is built within the fabric of our makeup. For me, this is exactly what happened. I did not realize I was an intuitive with psychic abilities – I thought I was just doing what was natural to keep myself safe! 

Do you have psychic abilities and intuitive skills?

Do you have a strong intuition? Would you say you have good gut instincts?  Do you sense when something is going to go wrong? Can you read other people’s emotions? Do you have visions of something that is going to happen in the future? Do you just know something is about to happen but can’t quite say how it is that you know? These are all questions I would want you to think about and answering yes to them points to some amazing skills at being psychic. I must say, many people do have these abilities, but they go completely unused!

For myself, when I do a reading I often touch a person’s life and connect with their soul. I use my psychic abilities and intuitive skills to look at their life in the past, present and the potential for future. I often feel and view details of their life. I sense certain areas of their emotions, and I have a knowledge of what will happen in the future as a potential for their life path.

It is my belief that most people can develop their intuitive skills if their Soul and Spirit desires them to. It is with the soul calling to do this work that the person will find their teacher. When the student is ready, the teacher can be found. Once you find a mentor and teacher and look deeply into the world of psychic abilities, you’ll recognize the strength, ability and the healing potential that can occur within a reading.

Intuitive and psychic readings have not always been received well because there is so much talk in the media about how bad a psychic can be. Therefore, I must say that if you are going to develop your intuition and psychic abilities, seek out the best teacher possible. Find somebody that has good reviews and ask for references from a friend or acquaintance that can also guide you. There are great schools for psychic enhancement and intuition development that I can recommend.

I believe that most people, if called to do this work, can become a particularly good psychic and intuitive for their own use or to help others. Once the soul expresses the desire and interest into developing intuitive and psychic abilities, then the student will be ready to learn and receive!  

If you have any questions about developing your intuition, please contact me.

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