The Brow, or Third Eye, Chakra is located between our eyes and slightly above. It does not have an element but its colour is indigo. The Brow Chakra is responsible for imagination, intuition, and visualization. As such, lucid dreaming and telepathy is often associated with it, as are clairvoyance (clear seeing) abilities. The Brow Chakra is often where we can access ‘beyond wisdom.’ Why we say ‘beyond wisdom’ is because mediumship and intuition gives us something we weren’t supposed to know. We receive information we didn’t know before.
Brow Chakra & Visualization
If you are someone who can sit on a park bench and go off into la la land and visualize or take a trip in your mind’s eye, visualize the hotel and what the beach will look like, then you can do visualization imagination processes. This skill is extremely helpful to intuition and mediumship because spirit will be able to use your skills and your experiences you’ve already seen. They don’t always want to use things you’ve never seen before so they try to use pictures that you already have experienced. As such, if you’re already great at imagination and visualization, then this will be amazing for developing clairvoyance and opening your Brow Chakra.
I must admit, clairvoyance does not come easily for me. We all have abilities and for some of us, some will be better at feeling and sensing while others are better at seeing. I’m better at sensing. Sometimes I don’t see as much as I’d like to during readings. But another reader may see a lot, but not get a sense of the personality of spirit. Why is that? Well, it’s because different chakras are being ignited.
Someone from a young age who has lucid dreaming and great imagination can take that forward into intuitive & mediumship development. Sometimes it can be too much though, so we have to learn how much is too much visualization for us and how much isn’t enough.