Arlene Mills

What is a group mediumship reading?

There is something magical about being in the presence of a group mediumship reading. For myself, this is has often happened in a church event or a group demonstration online event.

A group mediumship reading is a spiritual event where a medium (or 2-3 mediums) communicates with the souls of deceased individuals that are connected to people in the group audience.

There are various types of group mediumship readings. Some are more private, typically taking place in a small group at someone’s home, and other times it is done for a larger group of people at an event, either online or in a church setting. Group mediumship readings allow participants to come together to connect with their loved ones who have passed away, or to simply witness the beauty of mediumship. 

Because the groups are usually quite large in a group mediumship reading, the medium(s) do not usually have time to connect with every single audience member’s loved ones. The connections that come through are completley random, and the medium can only connect with the loved ones who choose to come through to them.

As such, the medium may not be able to provide messages to all those who are in attendance; only a handful of group members will receive a message.

However, what is important is that even though not everyone receives a message, every group members will be able to witness the true love from the spirit world when a soul connects with a member of the audience.  The healing that takes place in a group setting is also quite noticeable for those who receive a message but also for those who witness the communication.  

Here’s how a group mediumship reading generally works:

  1. Medium: A medium is a person who has the ability to communicate with spirits or the deceased. They act as a bridge between the physical world and the spirit world. They begin the reading by describing to the group the soul that has come through.
  2. Participants: People who attend the group mediumship reading are often looking to receive messages or communication from their deceased loved ones. Someone from the group will come forward to say that they believe the soul that has come through is their loved one.
  3. Communication: The medium enters an altered state of consciousness, often referred to as a heightened state of awareness. In this state, mediums perceive information, images, thoughts, or feelings from spirits and continues to gather evidence that the loved one in spirit is indeed the audience member’s loved one.
  4. Messages: The medium relays the information they receive from the spirits to the participants. These messages can include personal details, memories, or even guidance from the deceased loved ones.
  5. Validation: Participants are encouraged to validate the information provided by the medium, with a simple Yes, No or I do not know.    
  6. Healing and Closure: Group mediumship readings can offer emotional healing and closure to participants by allowing them to connect with their loved ones, receive messages of love and reassurance, and address unresolved issues or questions.

Before considering hosting or attending a group mediumship reading, it’s essential to do your research and choose a reputable medium.  And remember that if you do attend a group mediumship reading and your loved one doesn’t come through, it is not because they do not love you. It is because the likelihood decreases when in a group as there are so many loved ones in spirit wanting to come through. If your loved one does come through, or you witness someone else’s come through, the event can be healing and beautiful regardless.

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