
Arlene Mills

Overcoming Language Barriers in Mediumship Readings

Mediumship is the ability to communicate with spirits who have passed away. It can be an incredibly rewarding experience for both the medium and the client. However, what happens when the medium speaks a different language than what the spirit of the deceased person spoke when they were alive? Is there a language barrier during a mediumship reading?

This is a very interesting question. I have had this experience a number of times in my practice. For myself, the most common language the person in spirit spoke when they were alive is French, and the sitter along with myself speak english. But I was still able to convey messages, information and healing from the person in spirit even though they spoke French when alive. How is this possible?

Language Barriers in Mediumship Readings

language barriers

It is important to understand that spirits communicate through thoughts, feelings, and impressions rather than through spoken language. Mediums use their abilities to tune into these subtle energies and interpret them into words and phrases that make sense to the client. Therefore the language should not be a problem in my experience.

Spirits often communicate through symbols and images rather than through words. For example, a spirit may show the medium an image of a particular animal or object that holds significance to the client. The medium will be able to describe the information and significance to the client, regardless of language.

Sensory Approache

One approach is for the medium to rely on their sensory abilities to interpret the spirit’s messages. While the medium may not understand the spirit’s language, they can still tune into the energy of the message and convey it to the client in a way that makes sense to the client. This approach requires a degree of skill and intuition on the part of the medium, but it can be effective in delivering a meaningful message to the client.

In conclusion, through careful communication and interpretation, mediums can overcome barriers of a language difference in spirit and deliver accurate and meaningful messages to their clients. 

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