Arlene Mills

The Root Chakra

When we go into mediumship development, we have to ignite our intuition by starting at the base chakra, also called the Root Chakra. This is a very important chakra for grounding ourselves before we begin a reading. 

root chakra

What does the root chakra mean?

The Root Chakra is represented by the element of earth and the colour red. It is all about grounding and stability, the foundations of our life and sense of security. The Root Chakra affects the physical aspects of our world – water, food, shelter, finances and material possessions. It is also responsible for confidence and self-esteem. The Root Chakra is located in our sacrum, the tailbone. 

How does the root chakra affect a reading?

When I sit down with a client, whether I’m doing an Intuitive, Mediumship, or Blended reading, I really have to make sure my red chakra is strong because if it’s not, I’m going to lack confidence in the reading. I won’t have a strong sense of security about who I am. I won’t be grounded enough and will probably waffle a lot in the reading. 

When our Root Chakra is off and we sit down with someone to do a reading for them, we may at first feel so excited, but then we start to waffle. This is a sign that our confidence and stability are down. This means we’re leaking energy from the Root Chakra, the base of our chakra system. It really is so important to have this chakra activated securely before we begin any connection to another person or to the spirit world. 

How to activate your root chakra

Why is it that some women wear red suits in business meetings? Why do men like to buy red corvettes? It’s all about promoting that sense of self-confidence and self-esteem. Red is a bold, passionate colour. It grounds us in who we are. I personally don’t wear red, but even just having the knowledge of red in my mind before I sit for a reading helps greatly. 

You can build up that energy of the root chakra by wearing red, envisioning red, connecting to your physical world, Perhaps hold a crystal in your hand and focus on the area around your sacrum. Anything that you do in life that keeps you grounded, doing more of those things will help with healing the Root Chakra.

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