A very important aspect to learning spirit communication is understanding the definition of the Clair senses and how to feel and sense each of them.
The six most common Clairs are the primary ways in which mediums communicate with spirit during mediumship readings. The ability to utilize the Clairs is a combined effort with the spirit world.
So, let’s discuss each Clair.
What are the 6 Clair senses?
Clairsentience: Clear Feeling
A medium is able to perceive information from the spirit world by blending with and feeling the spirit communicator. This is called Clairsentience, which is the ability to receive information through feelings in the physical body.
Contact with spirit often starts with Clairsentience, and is my belief that this is the most important of the Clair senses as it is an anchor for our spiritual communications. Without Clairsentience, a medium may not feel the blending happening from the spirit world. Clairsentience also provides emotions and feelings, which are very important for conveying the love and heartfelt feelings of the spirit world.
Clairvoyance: Clear Seeing
A medium is able to perceive information by seeing with the mind’s eye. This viewing from within the mind allows for pictures, movies, people, detailed visuals of the spirit’s memories, items, addresses, and locations that the spirit family wants to share. Without Clairvoyance, the medium would not have the visual detail to describe the life and times of the spirit person.
Readings require clairvoyance to gain visual detail from the spirit world. Often a spirit will show visual information from their work life, home life, and personal life. They may even go on a mind-journey where they often guide me through their home and other important parts of their life. Almost like they’re giving me a tour.

Clairvoyance is also important for viewing important documents and items of importance that spirit shows when needed.
Clairaudience: Clear Hearing
A medium is able to perceive information by hearing subjectively from the spirit world. This means sounds or words can come as more of an impression or feeling of a sound, rather than an actual sound.
For example, a spirit who was a train conductor in life would not blow a horn next to a medium’s ear, but the medium might hear subjectively in the mind the sound of a horn similar to what the spirit used to hear in life. It’s more so the memory, feeling or sensation of the sound of a horn versus the actual sound of a horn heard through the medium’s ear. This is what Clairaudience represents.
Overall, communication via Clairaudience is different for each medium since not all mediums will hear as clearly as an ordinary conversation, and it is often subjective hearing through the mind.
Clairgustance: Clear Tasting
A medium is able to acquire information from the spirit world from sensing taste. The tastes could be of the spirit’s favourite foods, coffee and teas, medicine – anything that the spirit person can use to convey a message by way of taste.
Often the spirit world will leave a taste that occurs quickly and unexpectedly during the reading, in order for the medium to provide evidence to the sitter. Tastes can be amazing evidence, especially coming from a spirit person who loved to cook, or drink beer or tea, as an example. Sometimes the spirit will share the taste of the medicine they were taking before passing.
Overall, Clairaudience is not mentioned as much during readings, however, it can be profound information that the spirit world wants to convey if the medium is able to blend with this Clair.
Clairalience: Clear Smelling
A medium is able to perceive information from the spirit world with the sense of smell. Smells could be foods, perfumes, outdoors, even hydraulic or engine oil– anything that the spirit is able to convey to the medium so that the sitter completely understands.
Clairalience is, again, a subjective Clair like Clairaudience, because we don’t smell from outside our body using our actual nose; rather, the smell is registered in our mind as a smell we would recognize. It often feels as if the smell is just under the nose due to the strength of this Clair, however, a medium only utilizes the mind to smell.
Often, it is the smell of an aged home, particular foods, perfume, cologne, or a cigarette that confirms the identity of the spirit to the sitter. This Clair is beautiful for the sitter as evidence of spirit life.
Claircognizance: Clear Knowing
A medium acquires information from the spirit world via a strong sense of knowing. This is a highly effective form of communication and must be trusted, for it is highly accurate. Claircognizance can include sensing knowledge about the person’s age, how they passed, types of jobs they had, relationships, and knowing parts of their life.
A medium that utilizes Claircognizance will have fleeting feelings of just knowing something, information that drops into the mind.
It is my opinion that the spirit world blends with our aura and drops these thoughts into our minds, and that we should trust this information. A medium that uses Claircognizance well and has the ability to allow information to flow with trust, will develop amazing skills to help the spirit world.
Consider that the spirit world has the ability to do a “thought drop” within your mind, and one learns to trust this! This relationship and these abilities will grow to serve yourself and the spirit world well.
How many clair senses should a medium have?
When working as a medium, it is important to develop the ability to have three or four Clair’s running at the same time. When this ability has been mastered, the communication and detail for the spirit world cannot be questioned. In addition, the spirit world has more capabilities for evidential mediumship utilizing all your Clair’s. If you only use one or two this will limit the spirit world communication.
For myself, I often have Clairsentience, Clairvoyance, and Claircognizance working together along with Clairalience. Sometimes Clairgustance becomes available during readings as well. If you have any questions about the Clairs, please don’t hesitate to email me.