Aura colours are a very popular topic among psychics and those interested in intuitive readings. Many of us would often like to know, what colour is my aura? I find auras colours to be very interesting when learning about them and our own unique energy field.
It’s interesting to think that we have each have various shades of colours that emanate from us. These beautiful colours within our aura are individual to each and every person.
What is an aura?
An aura is the often unseen energy field that surrounds us, encasing our full body. Normally colourful and brilliant, an aura may also be dull and less vibrant to others often when a person is having difficulties and feeling drained.
Individuals who have seen intuitives and psychics often want to know what colour their aura is. However, we are not one single colour, rather, we emulate many colours in our auric field. These aura colours represent much about our life including our personality, our wellness, and our entire life history. A psychic will often feel, sense, or see a client’s aura colours to gain an insight into the client’s past, current, and potential for the future.
There are some mediums and psychics that do not talk of colour in their readings however utilize the auric field for the information to provide to the client. Mediums and psychics can feel the client’s auric field when beginning a reading and are able to read from this energy field to provide information to the sitter.
Aura Colours In The Real World
Individuals who are not psychic can still sense and feel colour as well. You do not have to be medium or psychic in order to connect with aura colours.
Think of a time when you met someone and you thought, Oh they look quite grey and then you found out later that they had been sick. Think of a time when you knew a family member was very upset and you thought, They are red mad. How about when you met someone for the very first time and had an attraction to them? If you think back, you may feel a colour associated with that moment – green, blue, orange, or pink as an example.

These are real world examples that many of us can relate to, and these are intuitive abilities that all humans – feeling the auric field of others in our life. Interestingly, we have been reading each other since birth. We all have! And often we have used colour in our senses to feel and sense our safety.
While you may not see your own colour, you can likely still feel the auric field and tune into it. Consider times when you looked in your closet and selected a colour to wear – what was it? Orange, green, grey, blue? The colour we select often tell us subconsciously how we are feeling, what our current outlook is in life and possibly what is occurring in our life at that time.
We also select colours that make us feel good. We do this quite often when we decorate a home, or paint the walls certain colours. We are selecting colours that support and uplift us. Consider and be mindful of the colours you are selecting lately. These colours emulate what our aura colours are.
Reading Aura Colour Meanings
I can and will do a whole other post on aura colour meanings. But as an example, if you are picking lots of yellow, I would consider you to be someone who likes harmony, brightness, optimism, and being resourceful. If I were doing a reading and going deeper, I may also feel more into the yellow and know that the person had a tough sickness and is now in good health. I could also go deeper and feel that a major change has occurred in your life and you are now free with renewed energy and vibrancy.
This same yellow could also mean there are challenges of clouded judgement and suspicion. These are very general terms of yellow, and each colour will have more detailed meaning that is applicable to you if you were to do a reading.
What is interesting is that each colour does not mean the same thing for each person. We are all unique and individual people, and our colours will all be different, as will the meaning for each. Blue for yourself may not mean the same for me. This is where a Medium or Psychic using their abilities to feel and sense colour with a deep soul-like knowing will be able to assist in deciphering your aura.
If you are provided a number of colours during a reading, make sure that each colour and description makes sense to you and that you are satisfied with the reading. This is important as you will know from your soul that the information relates well to you!
How To Sense Your Own Aura
You may have wondered, what colour is my aura? It’s important to remember that when we look at colour within us, we need to factor in that colours do change and evolve.
However, we will certainly have some colours that will remain with us for our life. These consistent colours are the emulation of our soul that puts out the energy field, and provides the power with which we see or sense in colour. In this way, a portion of our beautiful colours are consistent, and any changes in colour that occur has to do more with what is going on in our lives at that time.
If you want to feel your own colours, I suggest that you stop what you are doing, put down any thing that may interrupt you, and just sit for about 30 seconds to clear your mind. Then ask yourself what colour am I? Now wait. Do not think while you are waiting. Do not try to use your mind.
Instead, listen to your soul and within moments, your answer will come to you without even thinking about it. It could be a colour that you likely have not even considered! That colour is yourself at that moment. One you have the colour, you can research a bit about what it means, or feel free to send me an email to ask more about it.
In a future blog post, I will list out all the colours and what the general meanings of each may be. Stay tuned for that! Until then, happy reading!