It’s always interesting to share details about how mediumship affects your life, because it’s different for everyone. While there are challenges, there are also benefits of being a medium as it can have a positive impact on your life overall.
When we look at something new, we like to ask others for their reviews on anything new. It is in this research that we often become more engaged and interested in a given subject. With mediumship and the afterlife, it is great that we want to research it. It is through understanding how mediumship affects your life that we begin to understand and have an appreciation for the spirit world.

For myself, mediumship had a positive effect on my life. In the beginning of my development, I loved touching each book that I read; I loved googling information on the spirit world and mediumship, and attending development circles. What I appreciated the most was meeting new people and individuals who had the same interest as myself.
The individuals were all unique and interesting. We all had very different backgrounds, upbringings and interests. However, we had one thing in common – a love for the spirit world. We were genuinely very interested in learning about our soul and spirit, and the soul in the spirit world. It was during the learning process that I felt such a positive impact on myself and my mediumship development, and I began to understand how mediumship affects your life.
The thing that is most interesting and often what most mediums experience when it comes to the benefits of being a medium is, in the early stages of my development, I found myself questioning areas of my life and friends, which led to me questioning if I was on the right path in life. It is through this line of questioning that a shift occurred, and an appreciation of a larger, grander world of the spirit grew.
Through learning about spirit world communication and how mediumship affects your life, one comes to understand that there are many forms of mediumship such as healing, spirit art, demonstrations, private sittings, and trance, to name a few. These are some of the disciplines within the healing arts of mediumship. There was much soul searching that occurred for me when entering into the hearing arts of mediumship. And because of my mediumship development and knowledge, a lot of areas in my life have changed for the better.
As I continued through my development of attending circles, church services, and practicing online, I frequently thought about mediumship and how to fit it into my life. I continued to expand my learnings and keep widening my knowledge about the spirit world. However, I must indicate that developing as a medium can be quite difficult mentally for some.
Challenges Around How Mediumship Affects Your Life
Working with mediumship, psychic practices and development circles can be quite difficult. One of the challenges of how mediumship affects your life can happen when providing information to a sitter, and the response is discouraging. For instance, receiving a ‘No’ from a sitter when the medium wanted a ‘Yes!’ Depending on the response, it may be off-putting, either to the sitter or medium, and it can also deflate a person. Humans want to be right. Our minds congratulate us on being right. However, when we are incorrect, it can be very taxing on your confidence and values.
Another concern that is often raised is the difficulty one experiences if one is very analytical or constantly seeking perfection. When doing readings, it’s not that easy to have a perfect reading every single time or to have excellent accuracy. You can imagine how it would make a medium feel to hear ‘No, that information is incorrect’ when the medium genuinely wants things to be perfect for the sitter. This area of development can sometimes knock a medium off their chair, but if a medium can get through these inner struggles, there is much reward.
Slowly, the ‘No’ response will reduce and the ‘Yes’ response will increase. For myself, it was quite a rocky road to learning the different techniques, sensations and feelings because each one of us is different and we must all explore and learn about our own sensations and capabilities. This is all part of how mediumship affects your life in many ways. My capabilities and sensitivity are not the same as any other medium. A medium’s skills develop differently according to different teachers, and our sensitivity also varies from medium to medium.
When faced with perfectionism and ‘No’ responses, a medium must work through those challenging times to become more professional and confident. If a medium is not able to work through the negativity or lack of confidence, there will be a negative effect on the reading and the soul.
The Benefits of Being A Medium
There are so many benefits of being a medium. I love mediumship! I have gained so much respect for myself, the spirit world, and the Earth in general. Mediumship has provided me a much deeper understanding of the world of the spirit. It has shown me how much love there is for all of us on Earth, and it has shown me amazing evidence of survival after death. I have seen mediums demonstrate amazing spirit art, and witnessed healing trance demonstrations. In fact all forms of mediumship are healing, both to the medium and to the sitter.
In terms of how mediumship affects your life, mediumship has taught me more about the human soul and the power the soul has to carry us through the darkest times of our lives. It’s taught me about the spirit that ignites our beautiful soul and the beauty of life itself. I look at things much differently now, and my world is at peace.
Mediumship brings peace for the sitter and the medium; there is peace when the sitter receives the evidential aspect of mediumship, and there is peace when the medium feels, sees and gains a better understanding of each sitter.
It is my hope one day that we can have more peace for our soul and spirit. Within mediumship, many are more sensitive and empathic, and we need this. When a medium is able to touch another person’s soul, it is an amazing feeling. With my development there has been upliftment and I believe in a higher good, a universal energy, a supreme intelligence that has the ability to change our lives if we desire to connect to it.I love being a medium and I love connecting with others. If you are looking to become a medium, I strongly suggest starting with a strong foundation and a lot of development. It takes years and years, but it’s worth it.