Arlene Mills

Welcome to Arlene's Psychic & Mediumship Blog!

Here you will find various information on the topics of psychic and mediumship readings, as well as development. I love to share my experiences and help people to better understand all the beauty that the spirit world has to offer. If you have any questions or would like to see me address a certain question or topic, please contact me.

Please enjoy my blog posts...

Sitting in the Power | Free Guided Meditation
Being Skeptical of Mediums is Healthy
What is the difference between spirits and ghosts? Do spirits haunt places?
Are mediums inundated by spirits all day long?
Are Mediums Born?
Common Signs & Symbols From Loved Ones In Spirit
Can a medium tell if I have a gift to communicate with Spirit? 
How accurate are psychic predictions?
Are you feeling held back from becoming a better medium?
Can a medium connect to a photo of a deceased loved one?
Which is better? | In-Person vs. Online Mediumship Readings
Do family in spirit become healed when we heal here on Earth?
Ethics in Mediumship | How to be an ethical medium
How does a mediumship reading work?
The Benefits of Spiritual Guidance: Why You Shouldn't Be Nervous to See a Medium or Psychic
How do you know your loved one is with you in spirit?
Overcoming Language Barriers in Mediumship Readings
What is trance mediumship communication?
What role does intuition play in psychic readings?
A Guide to Different Types of Psychic Readings
What is a group mediumship reading?
Psychic Protection: Safeguarding Your Energy and Well-Being
The Energetic Field and Its Role in Psychic Intuition
How to Learn Mediumship
Why do some people fear mediums or mediumship?
Best way to find a medium online
Benefits of Consulting a Psychic | What can a psychic help you with?
Dementia and Alzheimer's : How Altered States of Consciousness Can Facilitate Communication with Spirits
What is Sitting in the Power for Mediumship?
Exploring Early Signs of Mediumship and Psychic Abilities
Pet Mediumship | Connecting with Pets in the Spirit World
How to See Someone’s Aura | Understanding Aura Colours
How to heal from grief and loss with mediumship
What are mediumship demonstrations?
What are mediumship circles?
Can all mediums see ghosts?
The Crown Chakra
The Throat Chakra
The Third Eye or Brow Chakra
The Heart Chakra
The Naval Chakra
The Sacral Chakra
The Root Chakra
Do chakras help with mediumship and psychic readings?
Spirit Guides | Connecting with Your Spiritual Helpers
How do you know if you're receiving psychic information or mediumistic information?
Is it safe to see a medium when grieving? 
Do psychic mediums secretly read people in public?
How to tell the difference between intuition and thoughts
Why Psychic Scammers Feed On Fear
Are People Born A Spiritual Medium? | Mediumship Development
Don't Give Up On Mediumship
Signs From Our Spirit Family | Dimes & Butterflies
Can dogs communicate from the spirit world?
What Seasons and Cycles Affect Mediumship?
Booking A Follow Up Reading Too Soon | Why You Should Wait 6 Months Before Seeing A Medium Again
How To Answer During A Mediumship Reading
Aura Colour Meanings
What To Do When Your Child Says They See Spirits
How Mediums Communicate With Spirit Using The 6 Clair Senses
How To Connect With Loved Ones After They've Passed
My Book Recommendations For Mediumship Development
7 Benefits of Conducting A Psychic or Mediumship Reading Over Zoom
Reasons Why Spirit May Not Come Through In A Reading
Why Do Spirits Communicate Certain Information In Mediumship Readings?
Aura Colours | What Colour Is Your Aura?
What Is Psychometry? | Measuring The Soul
Can Meditation Help With Mediumship?
What To Expect In A Reading | Mediumship & Psychic
What happens after we die? | Why I don't believe in earthbound spirits
Is there a difference between psychics and mediumship?
How do I prepare for a mediumship reading?
Unique Information From The Mediumship World | What can it tell us?
Pet Communications | Can pets communicate during a mediumship reading?
Have you considered becoming a medium? | My Journey
How To Practice Mediumship | Improve Your Spiritual Communication
4 Practical Tips For Mediumship Beginners
Are you being held back from doing mediumship readings for others?
How Mediumship Affects Your Life
My Beliefs Around Psychic Abilities & Intuition
Did I have any childhood experiences with the spirit world?
Why do I have dreams about deceased loved ones?
3 Tips On How To Develop Intuition
How To Avoid Mediumship and Psychic Scams
How To Avoid Spiritual Burnout
Negative Encounters With The Spirit World | Do they happen?
Using Psychic Abilities To Find Lost Items

The Heart Chakra

The Heart Chakra’s element is air and its colour is green. It’s responsible for healing and transformation and represents love,...

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The Naval Chakra

The Naval Chakra, sometimes called the solar plexus chakra, is such an important chakra when connecting to intuition or mediumship....

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